HM the King Congratulates Rachid Talbi Alami on Re-election as Lower House Speaker

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HM King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to Rachid Talbi Alami, on his re-election as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

   In this message, the Sovereign expresses His sincere congratulations to Talbi Alami for the trust placed in him by the members of the House of Representatives.

   HM the King prays the Almighty to grant full success to Talbi Alami to continue to work seriously, with all the members of the House of Representatives, so that the Lower House fully carries out its legislative, control and evaluation duties, in perfect synergy with the House of Councilors, and strengthens its contribution, with a high sense of responsibility and constructive consensus by making the general interest prevail, to implement major reform projects and development projects launched by the Sovereign, defend the interests and just causes of the Nation, serve citizens and moralize parliamentary life in order to consolidate trust in elected institutions.

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